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ما هو STATCOM وتطبيقه
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ما هو STATCOM وتطبيقه


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ما هو STATCOM وتطبيقه

Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) is an advanced technology used in the field of power electronics and power systems. It is a device that can inject or absorb reactive power into the system to regulate voltage and improve power quality. STATCOM has many applications, such as in renewable energy sources, industrial processes, and electric vehicle charging stations. In this article, we will discuss the classification of STATCOM and its importance in different applications.

Voltage Source STATCOM

The first classification of STATCOM is based on its connection to the grid. In the voltage source mode, STATCOM is connected in series with the transmission line and operates as a voltage source. It injects or absorbs reactive power to maintain a stable voltage level and improve the power quality of the grid. This mode is used in high-voltage applications, such as in large power plants or transmission networks.

Current Source STATCOM

The second classification of STATCOM is the current source mode. In this mode, STATCOM is connected in parallel with the load and operates as a current source. It injects or absorbs reactive power to maintain a stable current level and improve the power factor of the system. This mode is used in low-voltage applications, such as in residential or commercial buildings.


The third classification of STATCOM is based on its topology. In the two-level STATCOM, the converter uses two levels of voltage to produce the desired output waveform. This mode is simple, cost-effective, and has a lower switching frequency, but it produces more harmonics than other topologies.

Multi-Level STATCOM

The fourth classification of STATCOM is the multi-level STATCOM. In this mode, the converter uses multiple levels of voltage to produce the desired output waveform. This mode provides a smoother output waveform, reduces the number of harmonics, and improves the efficiency of the system. However, it is more complex and expensive than the two-level topology.

Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC) STATCOM

The fifth classification of STATCOM is the modular multilevel converter (MMC) STATCOM. MMC is a new generation of high-voltage converters that can produce high-quality output waveforms with low harmonics. In this mode, STATCOM uses an MMC topology to improve the efficiency and reliability of the system. MMC is commonly used in high-voltage applications such as offshore wind farms or large industrial plants.

In conclusion, STATCOM has many classifications based on its connection to the grid, topology, and application. The voltage source STATCOM is used in high-voltage applications, while the current source STATCOM is used in low-voltage applications. Two-level STATCOM is simple and cost-effective, while multi-level STATCOM provides smoother output waveforms and higher efficiency. The modular multilevel converter (MMC) STATCOM is a new generation of converters that can provide high-quality output waveforms with low harmonics. By selecting the appropriate classification for each application, power system operators can ensure that STATCOM operates efficiently and provides reliable voltage regulation and reactive power compensation.

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